Leaders can form teams, by combining multiple elements within their range of influence. Groups of Soldiers or individual leaders are referred to as elements. These can be combat actions like shooting or non-combat actions like spotting or passing on information. Each figure (one miniature) generates action points which enables them to perform actions. Ultracombat Normandy has elements of resource management in the use of action points. This is one of the few times I have seen this provided in a rule set and creates a shared understand of the intent of the rules that otherwise may get lost biased on a gamer’s bias from previous wargames.
The author has clearly done their homework on WW2 doctrine and even provides historical vignettes for why rules or mechanics work the way they do. The rule set provides in-depth examples of rules interactions as it would come up during a game. While the game presents itself as a squad-based Skirmish it can be scaled up to the platoon level and have vehicles/tanks/mortars and anti-tank Guns. Ultracombat Normandy is a squad-based skirmish World War 2 game written by Colin Phillips and Nathan Dieck. If you want a rule set that provides a tactical squad level experience using historic doctrine and Tables of Organization and Equipment to provide an accurate, yet fluid, representation of World War 2 combat, look no further!